How can I do this if the desktop keeps refreshing? I discovered that if I boot with wi-fi OFF it will load to the desktop OK.
First with an anti-virus scan (I'm using AVG). While I have not loaded anything new into the system since it first began working, I am now troubleshooting it. At one point when it finally stopped, the Start Menu icon was non-responsive, and clicking the Edge icon resulted in an error. The real problem is after I logged onto the desktop, the screen refreshed and the system tray icons refreshed constantly every few seconds. It had worked, now unavailable when asking for Microsoft log in. For local, I had also been using the fingerprint reader (Win 7 version as there is no Win 10 yet). When I went to log back on it now wanted my Microsoft log in, not my local/Windows account on the laptop. While laptop was in sleep mode I heard an audible alert tone. HP Probook 6470b Update to Win10 went fine, everything working for 48 hours.